Iloilo Business Park

Spooktacular IBP Open House on Oct. 31

Spooktacular Trick or Treat Open House Event cute-trick-or-treat

An Open House with a Twist: Join us tomorrow, October 30, 3PM to 7PM for SPOOKTACULAR Trick or Treat – Iloilo Business Park’s Open House Event at the 7th Floor Function Room of Richmonde Hotel Iloilo. There’s more fun that awaits you aside from the luxurious lifestyle perspective for guests… free face painting, Magician show, cotton candy cart, balloon twisting, games and activity booths, an all-in-one Halloween Treat!

Halloween Treats at The Granary & Bizbar


Experience the “classiest-spookiest” Halloween treats from Richmonde Hotel Iloilo on October 31 at The Granary and Bizbar. Savor luscious culinary fare with Halloween Dinner Buffet at The Granary from 6PM to 10PM. Diners will get the chance to win gift certificates and kids who come in costumes will get Halloween loot bags.


The Bizbar presents Halloween Happy Hour from 5PM to 9PM where guests can avail 5+1 beer and Sminuff Mule. Guests with minimum consumption of P1,000 get the chance to win buffet gift certificates. For reservations, call (033) 328-7888.

SPOOKY PAW-RADE: The region’s biggest Dog Halloween Event at IBP

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More than 150 dogs and dog owners participated in SPOOKY PAW-RADE, the first ever Dog Halloween Costume Parade and Fun Match held in front of Richmonde Tower at Iloilo Business Park last October 24, 2:30PM to 7PM. The event started off with a Dog Parade from Richmonde Tower going to McDonald’s IBP. The first-ever Dog Blessing was officiated by Rev. Father Dennis Galon. It was followed by a formal opening program with IBP Marketing Head, Jennifer Ann Palmares-Fong who willingly shared her excitement through a short welcome message.

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Rev. Father Dennis Galon officiated the Dog Blessing

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Head Dog Trainer, Joseph Jiro Gabasa, event hosts Nancy Enicola and Nanette Bajador

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IBP Marketing Head, Jennifer Ann Palmares-Fong shared her words of welcome to all the participants

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Mr. Bong Ledesma, an expert dog trainer entertained the crowd with his dog tricks

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Dr. Harold Demaisip, judged the fun match and dog conformation DSC_0360 - Copy DSC_0368 - Copy

Expert dog trainer, Bong Ledesma showcased various dog tricks that entrainment the crowd as an intermission performance. Around 5:30PM, the Dog Fun Match and Conformation started off by introducing seasoned veterinarian, Dr. Harold Demaisip as competition judge. The Fun Match and Conformation was divided into four categories such as Puppy, Small Breed, Medium Breed and Large Breed. Pack Leader K9 Dog Training Head, Joseph Jiro Gabasa demonstrated with his dog Connan, a Belgian Malinois on how to train your pets in protecting you against aggression. The highlight of the event is the Dog Halloween Costume Contest and Mini-fashion where dog owners and their pets paraded onstage with creatively scary and colorful attires. Jennifer Ann Palmares-Fong, IBP’s Marketing Head is the sole judge of the Dog Halloween Costume Contest.

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IBP Marketing Head, Jennifer Ann Palmares-Fong received her certificate as the sole judge of the Dog Halloween Costume Contest from Joseph Jiro Gabasa

 The event emphasizes Iloilo Business Park as a dog-friendly destination and a township where dog lovers can find a serene place to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. The event is co-organized by Megaworld- Iloilo Business Park in partnership with Pack Leader K9 Dog Training and Jaro Dog Lovers. The event was made possible through the following sponsors: Rebadulla Animal Hospital, AsVet, Pomelo T-shirts, Wood Fashion, Gab’s Pizza, Spa Riviera, Dog Full, Lori pet care products, Uratex Foam, Pet Palace and Fil Sonza Photography Studio.

Spooky Paw-Rade Contests Result:

 Dog Conformation and Fun Match

Best in Puppy Category: Maxine, 5-month-old female Belgian Malinois dog, handler: Wewen (dog trainer, Iloilo)

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Best in Small Dog Category: Yuki, 6-year-old-female mini-pinscher; owner: Irish P. Jeongco

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 Best in Medium Dog Category: Shane, 7-month-old female Beagle dog; Handler: Wewen (Dog Tainer, Iloilo)

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Best in Large Dog Category: Scotch, 4-year-old-male Bull Mastiff dog; Owner: Am-Am Lorca

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Best in Show: Yuki 6 year old female mini-pinscher; owner: Irish P. Jeongco

Best Dog Halloween Costume Contest

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Special Award (Spookiest Costume):  Gracie, 7-year-old female mini-pinscher dog; owner: Virgie Tarrigue, costume concept: Cerberus (3-headed dog)

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3rd Place:  Yuki, 6-year-old female mini-pinscher dog; owner: Irish P. Jeongco, costume concept: Egyptian God with golden wings

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2nd Place: Atticus, 1-year-and-5-month old male Belgian Malinois dog; owner: Santiago Sudaria, costume concept: horse-like dog with ‘tiyanak’ riding on top

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1st Place (Best in Costume): Sasshi, 1-year-and-7-month female Chihuahua; owner: Jel Rose Casiano, costume concept: enchanted dog in a dark and scary prom theme

2 New BPO Buildings soon to provide jobs to Ilonggos


One Techno Place October 2015 photo update


Two Techno Place October 2015 photo update


Artist’s perspective of One Techno Place and Two Techno Place

Another significant addition to the expanding IT Park in Iloilo Business Park is One Techno Place and Two Techno Place, both are 4-storey BPO Buildings expected to be finished on the second quarter next year. These two BPO office towers are envisioned to generate more than 8,000 job vacancies for call center workers and elevate the region’s IT-BPO business in the next 10 years.

SPOOKY PAW-RADE & Dog Trivias on Oct. 24 @ IBP

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SPOOKY PAW-RADE (coining the words- spooky, paw and parade) , the biggest Halloween Costume Party and Fun Match for a special Dog Appreciation Day is happening this Saturday, October 24, 3:30PM at Iloilo Business Park.

Megaworld – Iloilo Business Park in partnership with Pack Leader K9 Dog Training and Jaro Dog Lovers will gather dog owners in Iloilo City for an exciting activity that would not only bring joy but celebrate a uniquely-themed Halloween celebration in front of The Palladium Showroom, ground level of Richmonde Tower in Iloilo Business Park, Mandurriao, Iloilo City. Expect exciting activities with dogs and their owners such as dog parade, dog blessing, dog training lecture, dog fun match, pet product kiosks, display booths, and Halloween-themed dog costume contest with mini-fashion show. Dog participants will have a registration fee that can be availed ahead of the event for only P150.00 at The Palladium Showroom and Pack Leader K9 Dog Training staff or call (033) 330-3465.

To get all the dog owners excited of coming in the event , here are 40 fun facts about dogs that will starve your appetite for knowledge, and get you eager to own a dog pet for life:

  1. There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and around 400 million dogs in the world.
  2. The most popular breed of dog is the Labrador, with their gentle nature, intelligence and obedience they make for excellent pets and reliable workers. They often work as guide dogs.
  3. Dogs have much better smell than humans, and can detect different odors nearly 100 million times lower than humans can.
  4. Dogs hearing is also much better, and they can hear sounds four times further away than humans.
  5. An average dog will live to between 10 and 14 years of age.
  6. Dogs are omnivores, which means they feed on a wide variety of foods including meat, vegetables and grains.
  7. There are 18 different muscles that dogs use to move each one of their ears.
  8. Dogs release sweat through the pads of their feet.
  9. Apart from barking, growling and whining, dogs use their ears and facial expression to communicate what they are feeling.
  10. Puppies are born blind, without teeth and the ability to hear. Their eyes only open at around 10 to 14 days old, and their hearing will start after this. Their teeth start coming through at 6 weeks.
  11. During the first week of a dog’s life, 90% of their time is spent sleeping, and 10% is spent eating.
  12. Puppies are considered adults when they are one year old.
  13. The domestic dog is a descendant of the grey wolf, in a process that took around 100,000 years.
  14. The nickname “man’s best friend” is believed to have come from a courtroom speech in Missouri America in 1870 where a farmer was suing his neighbor who shot his dog.
  15. The very first animal to go into space was a dog, a Russian dog named Laika who travelled in the spacecraft Sputnik around the earth in 1957.
  16. Some dogs change colors as they grow, like Dalmatians which are born white and then develop black spots as they mature. Airedales are similar, born completely black they will grow grey, black and tan fur as they get older.
  17. To many dogs showing a smile (baring your teeth) is an act of aggression. Most dogs don’t smile with their mouths like people do, but show happiness and excitement by wagging their tails.
  18. A dog’s vision is not as good as a humans, and they are much better at seeing moving objects rather than those standing still. If you’re 300 yards away from your dog they will be unable to see you, until you wave your arms or move around.
  19. Small dogs are often called toy dogs, or lap dogs – because they’re so small they look like a toy, or can easily fit on your lap.
  20. There is a hunting dog that comes from Africa that cannot bark, it is the only dog like this and the sound is makes is commonly known as ‘barroo’.
  21. The largest breed of dog in the world is the Irish Wolfhound, and the smallest dog breed is the Chihuahua. St. Bernard’s are the heaviest breed of dogs.
  22. The fastest dog on earth can reach speeds of 45 miles an hour, and is the Greyhound.
  23. The oldest dog who ever lived was a cattle dog from Australia called Bluey who lived to be 29 years and 5 months old. In human terms that makes him over 160 years old!
  24. Dogs cannot eat raisins, grapes, onion, chocolate or garlic because it makes them very sick.
  25. The first thing you should teach your dog is how to ‘sit’.
  26. When your dog goes to sleep you notice he turns in a circle a few times, this is an instinct from when they were a wild dog, as they did this to pat down the grass before they slept. Despite thousands of years, they still have this instinct.
  27. If your puppy takes something you don’t want them to have, don’t chase them. Instead make it a game where they chase you (and you run away) and you’ll have the item back in no time.
  28. Dogs see much better than humans at night because they have a special light reflecting layer behind their eyes.
  29. Dogs hearts beat much faster than ours, between 10-120 beats a minute while humans are 70-80.
  30. The world record for the heaviest dog ever recorded was set in 1989, an Old English Mastiff that weighed 343 pounds and was 8 feet 3 inches long.
  31. The rock star Ozzy Osborne rescued his wife’s Pomeranian from a coyote by wrestling the coyote until it released the dog.
  32. The most dogs ever owned by a single person was 5,000 Mastiffs which were owned by Kubla Khan.
  33. The weirdest law about dogs is that in Paulding, Ohio police officers are allowed to bite a dog to get it to be quiet.
  34. In Iran, it is against the law to own a dog as a pet, you need to be able to prove they are a guard or hunting dog.
  35. There are cave paintings of dogs in Spain in Europe that are over 12,000 years old.
  36. Even the presidents love their dogs, and President Franklin Roosevelt sent a destroyer to the Aleutian Islands just to get his dog Fala, who had been left behind.
  37. A dog’s nose print is unique, and similar to human fingerprints that no two are the same.
  38. Bloodhound dogs have the best sense of smell of all dogs, and have been used to track down criminals since the middle ages.
  39. The Beagle and the Border Collie are the dogs that bark the most.
  40. A survey found that 33% of dog owners talk to their dogs on the phone when they are away, or leave messages on the answering machine.

PLAY a fun life at IBP


There’s always a reason to “play” and experience ultimate pleasure, recreation and adventure at Iloilo Business Park with the Street of Festive Walk, considered as the longest avenue for endless shopping and dining. Prepare for international and local restaurants to tickle the discriminating palate of Ilonggos and visitors. Enjoy shopping, relaxing walk and al fresco dining in this grand destination set to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016. IBP is inspired by Megaworld’s “live-work-play” township concept.
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It’s time to “Play” soon and enjoy the high-end shopping experience, non-stop spectacles and fun at the Festive Walk Mall, still under construction and scheduled in the fourth quarter 2016 opening, this new leisure destination will showcase classy clothing brands, boutiques, retail shops, restaurants and 8 world-class cinemas. Festive Walk Mall will complete Megaworld’s township vision of “live-work-play” in Iloilo Business Park.
‪#‎lovelifelivebig ‪#‎Iloilobusinesspark ‪#‎Megaworld ‪#‎Festivewalkmall‪#‎shoppinginIloiloCity

More WORK for Ilonggos at IBP


“Work” nearby and live the high-life at Iloilo Business Park. One Global Center as part of the largest IT-BPO park in Western Visayas, is now providing better jobs to Ilonggos as the office and operation site of BPO company Transcom Asia. “Live-work-play,” a business township vision of Megaworld for Iloilo Business Park is uplifting Iloilo in becoming a major economic center in the region.
‪#‎lovelifelivebig ‪#‎Iloilobusinesspark ‪#‎Megaworld ‪#‎OneGlobalCenter‪#‎BPOcallcenter ‪#‎largestITpark

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Iloilo Business Park defines the global definition of “work” with Two Global Center, one of its modern BPO Buildings that made up the whole IT-BPO park, the largest in Western Visayas. One Global Center is currently the operation site of US-based call center company StarTek. In the next 10 years, Megaworld envisions to provide more than 30,000 jobs for Ilonggos and build six more additional BPO buildings in the next 10 years. Iloilo Business Park is the fulfillment of Megaworld’s “live-work-play” township concept.
‪#‎lovelifelivebig ‪#‎Iloilobusinesspark ‪#‎Megaworld ‪#‎ITBPOindsutryinIloilo‪#‎BPObuildings ‪#‎BPOcyberparkWesternVisayas ‪#‎MorejobsforIlonggos

IBP Motion Graphics 2015: Visions for Iloilo City

For Iloilo City and its resilient people – the Ilonggos, their love for cultural identity and their beautiful hometown is heartfelt. The old Iloilo Airport in Mandurriao District served as an important gateway to the world and the heart of their sentiments, hopes and dreams. When the airport closed in 2007 to paved way for a much bigger and modern Iloilo International Airport in the Municipality of Cabatuan, happy memories still lingers in this vast area. When Megaworld Corporation acquired the 72-hectare property, they decided to sow the seeds of their dream in Iloilo City by transforming it into a life-larger, business-centered and tourism-friendly township capable of opening global opportunities for Ilonggos. This is where the STORY of Iloilo Business Park started and continues to shape-up that would bring Iloilo in the forefront of prominent developments and surging investment potential.

IT IS THE STORY OF VISION MADE INTO REALITY.  Megaworld – Iloilo Business Park 2015 Motion Graphic tells the story of the old Iloilo Airport from its legacy as the city’s doorway to the world and its “final happy landings,” until its recent transformation as a vibrant business, tourism and lifestyle township, developed by Megaworld Corporation to elevate Iloilo’s economic prominence and Ilonggos’ future Central Business District, a destination for bright opportunities slowly shaping a whole new history. “Live-work-play” in Western Visayas’ largest and most prominent highly-integrated township. Created to spread the great news, we hope you will enjoy our passion to inspire through this visual work of art.

Visit Iloilo Business Park official website:, call us at (033) 330-3465 or see for yourself the lifestyle you desire at our IBP Showroom located at the ground floor of Richmonde Tower, 8 Enterprise Road, Iloilo Business Park, Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

Reflecting on Iloilo’s Historical Full Circle


History has always been set to repeat itself. Everything goes on a cycle as we traverse life. Life in Iloilo used to be simple yet beautiful, a once sleepy town turned into a bustling city in 1889 when Spain’s royal majesty Queen Ma. Cristina granted it a special title as the most loyal city during the Spanish colonization era in the Philippines. Moving forward, Iloilo became a bustling city, an international port for textile industry, an attractive destination, center of commerce and trade next to Manila. For the most part of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Iloilo dominated the trading business, commerce and reached its peak as an affluent metropolis in the Southern Philippines. They say, that a country or a city with a strong connection to its cultural past and heritage can easily attain social and economic maturity because the past bridges the present towards a future of synergistic richness and prosperity.


The stunning Iloilo River Esplanade, photo by Felipe Uygongco


Calle Real, one of the oldest business districts in the Philippines, photo by Felipe Uygongco


The Paraw Regatta Festival held every February is Southeast Asia’s oldest sailboat race, photo by Felipe Uygongco


The magnificent Molo Church and Plaza, photo by Felipe Uygongco



The world-famous Dinagyang Festival, Iloilo’s cultural spectacle performing at the Iloilo Convention Center during the APEC ministerial meetings this year, photos by Felipe Uygcongco


Angelia Ong, Miss Philippines Earth 2015 is a typical Ilongga wearing the world-famous Hablon gown designed by Totong Gellagarin, photo by Felipe Uygongco


An Ilongga exude the natural charisma and passion. Hablon gown designed by Totong Gellagarin and photo by Felipe Uygongco

Looking at the present rise of Iloilo City as an envisioned setting of a strong economic prominence in Western Visayas, investment potential is surging high that paved way for visitors and investors to consider the city as a future business destination. Iloilo remained adamant to preserve its glorious historical past visible through the city government’s several projects that rebuild, revive and promote major historical landmarks including the old Calle Real, one of the country’s oldest business districts. An Eco-centered project such as the Iloilo River Esplanade anchored in the tourism development aspect of the city is making a name as the next most-watched destinations in the Philippines. The people, the sweet-loving Ilonggos and the charming Ilonggas, women of the southern Philippines whose charisma defines passion, true hospitality and soft-spoken nature that creates a welcoming image for Iloilo as a destination of people-centered culture. Visiting the city will tempt you to sink your palate to the countless delicacies and favorite local cuisines such as Batchoy, Biscocho, Pancit Molo, Seafood dishes and a lot more, a long-history of culinary passion preserved through the Ilonggo tradition. Ilonggos are also known as the most colorful people in the Philippines, and probably in the world, visualized through its prominent Dinagyang Festival and Asia’s oldest sailboat race – the Paraw Regatta. Iloilo presents a deep-rooted devotion to the Roman Catholic and well-known as a faith-based pilgrimage city with the existence of centuries old churches in Jaro District celebrating the annual “Jaro Candelaria” and St. Anne Church in Molo District. Central Philippine University is Iloilo’s version of an old American Protestant-founded university emerging as a tourism destination. Prominent infrastructure projects are filling up the “visual imagery” of Iloilo as a city of expanding modern metropolis yet passionate to preserve its past and harmonize with its ecological aspect. Social, cultural, ecological and, yes, spiritual aspects of Iloilo pieces up a puzzle of a ONE beautiful, harmonious, prosperous and progress-driven metropolis, one of the most livable, “next wave” cities in the world.


The 3,700-seater Iloilo Convention Center, photo by Felipe Uygongco


Richmonde Hote Iloilo, the first luxury hotel that opened at Iloilo Business Park this year, photo by Felipe Uygongco

Visualizing Iloilo City on a higher ground of tangible changes, there is one “phenomenal” reason why this city magnetized a lot more investors and visitors to come in the past few years – Iloilo Business Park. Megaworld, the Philippines’ leading real estate developer and BPO office landlord realize the potential of Iloilo as a potential economic center and investment hub. The company invested P35 billion in a 72-hectare property in the old Iloilo Airport  located in Mandurriao District to developed the area into a highly-urbane township intended for business, lifestyle elevation, tourism and create a new destination for pleasure-seekers, tourists and people wanting to immerse themselves in the colorful yet passionate culture of Iloilo. Major shopping center, the longest dining strip in the country, international hotels, BPO office buildings, rising central business district, international-standard convention venue and various points of interests will emerge in this vast, all-expanding, and larger-than-life Megaworld township. Iloilo Business Park is the city’s high-life magnet and newest claim-to-fame in terms of investment credential.

The magnitude of progress, developments, cultural pride, dreams-turning-into-reality, and opening a doorway for global opportunities for this once sleepy yet beautiful city of “many wonders” are coming together, falling into place and rising up as ONE destination we can truly OWN. In the crystal clear waters of the Iloilo River, the present facet of the city’s modern image is reflected like those in the past. It is not about reclaiming a historical title as the original “Queen[’s] City” (owning it or embodying it), it has always been there etched in the deepest recesses of our cultural identity as Ilonggos. We are part of its pieced-up puzzle, full reflection of passion and splendor waiting to make the world see this city sparkle in full brilliance.  Iloilo steps up in full circle. Its history is destined to repeat itself through Iloilo Business Park… OUR OWN STORY to TELL soon.

Dreaming to invest in Iloilo City? call us at (033) 330-3465, visit us online at  or see for yourself the lifestyle you desire at our IBP Showroom located at the ground floor of Richmonde Tower, 8 Enterprise Road, Iloilo Business Park, Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

Clean Air Bike Ride at IBP

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Iloilo Business Park is now the center of healthy lifestyle activities in Iloilo City. Megaworld Boulevard, the township’s main highway that retained 30% of the old Iloilo Airport runway have its own bike lane, giving visitors and residents a space to enjoy a whole day healthy activities like walking, jogging and biking. Iloilo Business Park slowly creates a culture of healthy lifestyle with its eco-friendly and spacious ambiance.

The recent event that highlighted the township’s potential as a lifestyle and wellness hub happened last Saturday, October 10 during the “Clean Air Bike Ride” as part of the two-day mid-year convention of Philippine College of Chest Physicians – Iloilo Chapter from October 9-10 with the theme “Pulmonary Metamorphosis: Beginnings, Milestones and Paradigm Shifts.”

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Hundreds of participants took their passion for biking from Megaworld Boulevard going to other major roads in Iloilo City to celebrate a day of healthy activity through biking and promote a clean air campaign. The awarding ceremony of the bike parade and race took place in front of Richmonde Tower, just across the Iloilo Convention Center. Activities include bike race, exhibitions and parade that inspired onlookers to enjoy and emphasize that Iloilo Business Park is more than just a business and commercial destination, but a place where they can appreciate nature, clean air and spacious ambiance perfect for healthy activities.